Tomorrow I am going to be heading out to NYC to get together with
some friends and "get smarter" about writing. The summer
institutes at the TCRWP are the all time
greatest opportunities for professional development in the field of literacy in the universe. The topics that I
will be rolling up my sleeves and delving into next week are entitled:
New Assessments, Tools, Minilessons and Mentor Texts Support State
of the Art Instruction in Persuasive Essay (4-8)
with Kate Roberts.
Revision Comes Not from Applying the Teacher’s Newest Strategy,
but from Rereading, Internalized Rubrics and a Growing Knowledge of What Works (3-8) with Audra Robb.
I am looking forward to getting together with some new friends
from my Twitter community and sharing our learning and thinking together online
through blog posts and tweets.
Please visit periodically throughout the week as I will be posting
daily about the learning come out of the institute and hope to bring all of you
with me so that you are part of the conversation. Be sure to leave questions – thoughts – and comments related to
posts and I promise to bring these to my respective sections and respond.
Looking forward to finding out about your learning at the Writing Institute.